This is Number One, the prehistoric and scaly Protobiscuit. I made this one around 1996, before I had developed strap plug technology. Or fiberglassing ability. Don't hate, you sucked too when you first started...
Number 2, The Taxi. I had developed plug technology at this point and a better, one piece strap. And my glassing was better. I used only one layer though, so The Taxi was more delicate and prone to pressure damage and delamination so it was retired quickly. Plus, it was too small. Made around 1999.
Number 3, shaped around 1997 but I hung onto it for a couple years before I glassed it for some reason. This was the first to recieve 2 layers of fiberglass, for extra protection against a lifetime of pummellings, and my first use of deck traction. An excellent biscuit, this one was my daily driver for years.
This is the box containing Number 4, which I called Blue Flame. Similar in appearance to Red Flame, it drove like a dog and was quickly retired. It was nominated to be sacrificed and mailed to myself as a 'Poor Man's Patent'. So don't even think about it, Blue Flame has got my goddamn back. Made around 1999.
Number 5, Red Flame. Made around the same time as its imprisoned brother Blue, this biscuit replaced 3 as my daily driver. Red saw extensive service in Japan. I don't know why I put stickers on it.
Number 6, or the PBR Biscuit. Developed long before the Age Of Hipsters, this was more of an art piece which I traded to a friend for a bottle of good booze. Made around 2002, it was never used by me personally.
I found this a fitting theme for Number 7, or Number 007. Thick and clunky, it drove nothing like a pimped-out-by-Q Aston Martin and was retired. Made around 2005.
Number 8. Made at the same time as it's doomed brother, Number 9, this biscuit replaced Red as my daily driver up until 2011 when I put it in a box and sent it to my brother in Hawaii. The second best biscuit.
The doomed Number 9, made in 2005. This was my first (and last) attempt with using UV curing polyester resin, it began to set way before I was ready for it to and cured all fucked up. Unsalvageable. You can also see here my first attempt to brand a biscuit, using a logo I printed on rice paper. The name 'Barrel Biscuit' will no longer be used.
Number 10, the Deaths Head Biscuit. Another dog, I only used it a few times before retiring it. I like the skull though, I may recycle this motif at some point in the future. Made in 2009.
Number 11, the Superbiscuit or the X-11. Forged around the same time as Deaths Head. I decided to shape a different kind of biscuit, something with a weird, 'fishy' shape so I went really wide and thinner with an exaggerated swallowtail. It was completely experimental, so in the tradition of experimental military aircraft numbering I went for a stenciled X-11 and camouflage paint. The moment I tried it, it changed everything... dramatically faster than any other biscuit I had ever shaped, this will be the shape I will be using going forward.